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Los Angeles, California, United States

Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Bedford Community Farm

The community farm in New Bedford, Massachusetts was a project first started by an initiative to fill in empty lots in a neighborhood in Achusnet Heights. A city that was built by the success of the harbor and textile mills during the industrial revolution is now a place most would call a "shrinking city", where people are beginning to leave due to the economic and social hardships. Foreclosures turn into empty houses which turn into condemned buildings which in turn causes shrinking neighborhoods. A problem that many cities face when the economy goes belly up. Detroit is probably the biggest and widest known shrinking city, but this is not just a problem in the U.S.A, many other countries are also dealing with this phenomenon.
The design of the community farm was to create rotation of crop fields and recreational spaces that the community could experience and utilize to boost their difficult economic situation. To promote public health, a good environment, a reconnection to the harbor and community development.

context map

each empty lot was considered carefully on what program it was hold for the community. based on a matrix of information that helped identify the site and its potential all the lots were allocated programs as a strategy of rebuilding this community.
orchard lot

orchard lot

crop lot

vineyard lot
community garden lot

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kalighat Eco-cultural Retreat

The project had political, economic, social and ecological concerns. The challenge was to integrate a system within the existing conditions of an impoverished artisan neighborhood in the district of Kalighat in Kolkata. Introducing a design for a new campus in the neighborhood to attract travelers to embrace a new culture and people. The eco-cultural retreat serves as a base for many people in the community to find more ways to increase their income, while educating the mass about the importance of a healthy ecosystem. The intent of the project was to make a local change in order to make a regional and even global impact.
The design intended to integrate people and their environment and create a platform where the existing culture could be celebrated and preserved.

context map

circulation map

planting plan

water diagram
The community center as well as the cultural retreat mimic an existing cultural icon, the ghat. The ghat signifies the connection people have to the water or the Adi Ghanga, the Great Ghangis River. It is the source of life and the place where all things go after life. A powerful symbol of the people's dependence on the great natural resources in India.

retreat community ghat


Friday, October 29, 2010

Spreading Grounds Project Sunland, CA

The objective of this project was to create and design new functions and programs for a site that only knew one purpose. The spreading grounds site is located adjacent to a recreational state park, industrial area, a small commercial air strip and a primarily Hispanic neighborhood.
The place is rich in wildlife and views of the open space. These were the key elements in the design where the community could start to utilize the space for various community building programs.

spreading grounds site

A unique type of mapping was implemented in this project. Studying the migration patterns of birds and the constellations of stars informed decisions in the design process


stipple drawing of Melrose Ave.
10 min. sketch of City Hall Pasadena, CA

sketch of a square in Barcelona, Spain

watercolor sketch in Pisa, Italy

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

TOPO Model Study

Topographic model studies were done to explore words in the landscapes. Words that could begin to form and construct spaces and experiences in the environment. The topo studies were an exploration of landscape design and constructing ground.

12" by 12" plywood

12" by 12" plywood
12" by 24" mdf board